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Dec 18

Part 4: Adding new Adapters to ESB Itinerary

Default itinerary comes with few Adapters as below What if you want a new Adapter (for example HTTP, WCF-NetTCP etc) Solution is to create ESB Adapter

By Siva Gujju
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Dec 18

Part 3: Itineraries with Orchestrations

You can download the entire article as a PDF document Part 3: Itineraries with Orchestrations Why do you need Orchestrations in Itineraries 1 If you have a

By Siva Gujju
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Dec 18

Part 2: Itineraries with Two way Calls

This is a follow up from the previous post Part 1: ESB ToolKit Itineraries In this post, I will extend the previous one way Itinerary and expose it as a two

By Siva Gujju
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Oct 15

Part 1: ESB ToolKit Itineraries

You can download the entire article as a PDF document Part 1: ESB ToolKit Itineraries Like many of them, BizTalk Itineraries was a nightmare for me until few

By Siva Gujju
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May 16

ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) Logging – Part 2

This is in continuation from the previous post here I want to cover two useful features in this post 1 In the previous post I showed how to use the command

By Siva Gujju
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Dec 27

Copy Node Name (Element Name) from Source Schema

Recently I had a situation where I need to do some decision based on the name of the node (instead of its underlying value) To get the node name (instead of

By Siva Gujju
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Nov 6

Weird Error invoking a Restful Service from BizTalk 2010

I followed this post and tried to invoke a RESTful Url However, I ended up with the below Weird Error A message sent to adapter "WCF-Custom" on send port

By Siva Gujju
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Jul 19

Tip: Removing BAM Activity without Definition File.

Recently I had a situation where I had to remove an activity from one of the BizTalk Systems and there is no definition file available But in order to remove

By Siva Gujju
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Jul 19

Error: The database BizTalkRuleEngineDb associated with the deployment driver does not match the ...

Recently I changed my BizTalk Configuration and created a new Rule Engine DB to replace an existing Rule Engine DB Since then, I started getting weird error

By Siva Gujju
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Jul 16

Issue: Modifying Custom XSLT doesn’t work when deployed.

  Issue Description: If you have a deployed map which is using Custom XSLT and you make some changes to the XSLT When you test the map using visual

By Siva Gujju

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