Default itinerary comes with few Adapters as below.
What if you want a new Adapter (for example HTTP, WCF-NetTCP etc.)? Solution is to create ESB Adapter Provider.
1. Create a simple class library and add a reference to add reference to “Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Adapter” in BizTalk ESB Toolkit Installation Folder\Bin
- Create a class extending the “BaseAdapterProvider” as shown below.
public class HttpAdapterProvider : BaseAdapterProvider
public override string AdapterName
return “HTTP”;
3. Sign the assembly, GAC the DLL.
4. Open esb.config file in the BizTalk ESB Toolkit Installation Folder and under “adapterProviders” add new configuration detail like below
5. Restart Visual Studio. Now you should be able to see the new Adapter.
In the same way you can extend “WCFBaseAdapterProvider” and create WCF based Adapters like below.
public class WebHttpAdapterProvider : WCFBaseAdapterProvider
public override string AdapterName
return “WCF-WebHttp”;
You can see my other post or more details.
– Shiv