How to Debatch (Split) a Flat File using Flat File Schema ?

Posted: September 22, 2011  |  Categories: Schemas Uncategorized
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How to Debatch (Split) a Flat File using Flat File Schema?

This MSDN clearly shows how to generate a Flat File Schema using Flat File Schema Wizard.

But what If you want to debatch the flatfile in to individual xml’s ? This scenario is often required in many instances. Lets see that in this article.

Image you have a flat file with 3 Records as below

Using Flat File Schema Wizard generates a schema as shown below.

When you test your input with the schema generated, you get an XML file as below.

What exactly we need is each record should be  a separate XML file.

Here are two simple steps to achieve this.

1. Set “Allow Message Breakup At Infix Root” to “Yes” by selecting “Schema

2. Set “Max Occurs” to 1 by selecting the “Employee” Record.

Now if you test your solution with a Flat File Disassembler component in the Receive Pipeline, you can find that each record will be split up into a separate XML File.

Hope it helps.

You can download the entire article as a PDF document.
How to Debatch (Split) a Flat File using Flat File Schema?

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