
1. Explain the Architecture of BizTalk Server.
2. What is a Messaging Agent ?
3. BizTalk Server is Very Costly. Why do you go for it.
4. Advantages of using BizTalk Server.
5. Why BRE ? What are the Advantages over Other Tools as it is very costly for Clients?
6. What is a Host?
7. What is a Host Instance ?
8. How do you run a Host Instance in a different Server ?
9. Difference between Inprocess and Isolated Host ? Why is Isolated Host required ?
10. How do you set the Host as Send/Receive Handlers ?

Schemas & Maps

1. What are the different Types of Schemas ?
2. What is an Envelope Schema ?
3. What is a property schema ?
4. How property Schema differs from Others ?
5. How do you validate the incoming message against a particular Schemas ?
6. What are the ways to reuse Schemas ?
7. What is the difference between Importing and Including a Schema ?
8. What is a Canonical Schema ?
9. What is a Context Property ?
10. Are all Context Properties promoted ?
11. What happens if promoted property is not filled ? Will an exception be thrown.
12. What is the difference between Message Context Property Base and Message Data Property Base in Property Schema ?
13. How can you deploy 2 schemas side by side ?
14. Difference between Value Mapping and Value Mapping Flattening Functiods.
15. What is Auto Mapping Feature ?
16. Database Functoids.
17. Table Looping Functoids.
18. Cross Reference Functoids.
19. Difference between Value and ID Cross Reference Functoids ?
20. What is Part Context Property Base ?
21. Are Message Context Property Base Elements Promoted ? (No)
22. Can we have multiple versions of Schema within a pipeline ?
23. Difference between Index and Iteration Functoid ?
24. How do you call an external assembly from Map ?


1. What is an Orchestration ?
2. Read about each and every shape used in Orchestration. Specifically – Parallel, Listen, Compensate
3. Transactions in Orchestration.
4. Difference between Atomic and Long Running Transactions.
5. How to handle Delivery Failures ?
6. How do you ensure FIFO ?
7. Different Orchestration Patterns.
8. What is an Orchestration Instance.
9. How can you build a Singleton Pattern in Orchestration.
10. Convoys.
11. Race Condition and Zombie /Orphaned messages.
12. How can you deploy 2 Orchestration side by side ?
13. How do you update a deployed Orchestration with 0 or Less downtime.
14. How do you debug an Orchestration ?
15. How do you trace the messages processed by an Orchestration ?
16. Difference between call and start Orchestrations
17. Direct Binding ?
18. What are dynamic ports. How will you dynamically set the port.
19. Can we have dynamic send and receive ports ?
20. How do you consume a web/wcf service in an Orchestration ?
21. What are Persistence points ?
22. How do you count the Number of Persistence Points ?
23. What is Correlation ?
24. What are subscriptions ?
25. Which shapes will yield persistence points ?
26. How do you enable FIFO ?
27. What is a Multipart Message ? How do you use that ?
28. What is the use of Compensate shape ?
29. Assume you are using Transactions in your Orchestration. How do you set Timeout incase if you dont receive a response from an external system ?
30. What is XPath ? How can you use that ?
31. Difference between using XPath and using Distinguished fields.
32. Can you control the number of instances created for an Orchestration ?
33. How do you execute a Pipeline from an Orchestration ?
34. What happens when to try to use the Promoted Propery whose value (missing element/node) is not present in the message ? (Missing Property Exception)
35. How do you test the existence of a Promoted Property before using it ?
36. How do you ensure that a message is delivered to the destination ?
37. How do you call a non-serialazable class from an Orchestration ?
38. Advantage of having an Atomic scope.


1. Different Stages in Receive and Send Pipelines.
2. How to develop a Custom Pipeline Component ?
3. What are the various interfaces implemented for General, Disassemble/Assemble components ?
4. How do you promote a property in pipelines ?
5. How do you debug a Pipeline ?
6. How do you validate an XML in a pipeline ?


1. Difference between File and FTP Adapters.
2. Difference between SQL Receive and Send Adapters.
3. What is an updategram ? What is a Before and After Block in Updategram ?
4. How do you consume a WCF Service ?
5. How do you expose your artifacts as a service ?
6. What is the difference between exposing an Orchestration and Schema as a Service ?
7. Consider the Scenario – Everyday, you receive Updates for your BizTalk Hosted Application. You need 30min to perform the Updates. How do you handle this without having any downtime ?
8. What are the different modes of copying in Send File Adapter ?
9. What are the two methods in which File Adapter runs ?
10. What is the Advantage of Using Temporary Location for File Adapters ?
11. What are the various macros available for a File Adapter ?
12. How do you rename the Output File of a File Adapter ?


1. How do you deploy your application to Test Server ?
2. How do you deploy your application to Production Server ?
3. What are deployment scripts ?
4. What is a Binding File ?


1. What are activities ?
2. What are Views ?
3. How to capture data for your activities ?
4. What is TPE ?
5. What are the different types of event streams ?
6. What do you enable continuation ?
7. How do you ensure Transactional Integrity with Event Streams ?
8. Difference between Message and Orchestration Event Streams ?
9. What are the different sources of Data (event sources) inside TPE ?
10. How do you set permissions to a view ?

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